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[홍보] TechCrunch 가 서울에서 피칭 이벤트를 합니다. 지원마감 10월 13일

TechCrunch 가 서울에서 10월 27일 피칭 행사를 개최 합니다. 피칭에 관심 있는 스타트업은 10월 13일까지 Pitch-Off here 여기로 지원 하시면 됩니다!

TechCrunch’s editorial team is returning to Seoul to host its signature
Meetup+Pitch-Off event on October 27. We are inviting you to join the fun. Like last year, you’ll enjoy drinks and networking with a full house of founders, investors, and entrepreneurs. Apply for tickets here!

The main event is the Pitch-Off, where a group of local startups, who've been chosen from a pool of applicants by TechCrunch, make 60-second pitches to a panel of high-profile investors and TechCrunch editors.

Apply to participate in the Pitch-Off here by Oct 13 2016.

Pitch-Off competitors will be fighting for a chance to win tickets to TechCrunch's flagship Disrupt London conference on December 5-6.

We are looking forward to seeing you at TechCrunch Seoul Meetup + Pitch-off!

Share the event and invite your friends!
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