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[아이디어박스게임즈] Plants War Global Promotion _20 Free Leaves

Plants War: Beasts have invaded Dryad Forest. In order to defend their home, the plants of the forest must extract the power of Lake Naiad to become Heroes in this epic battle for land.

Follow the instruction carefully to claim your 20 FREE LEAVES :
> LIKE, SHARE and COMMENT GAMEVIL♥ on this poster.
> Go to the following link and follow the instruction: http://bit.ly/PWARS01

!CS Code: Your CS code can be found by tapping the leaf soldier icon in the main menu. 
[Android] The code is CASE-SENSITIVE.
[iOS] Please CAPITALIZE your Code! Please INCLUDE your dashes! 

!The event ends on 4/4 (Thur) PST. The rewards will be distributed on the following day.
!To retrieve, tap the Blue Gift Box on the title page.

Protect the last source of life on Earth! 

Download it for Free Here:
[Android] http://bit.ly/KqCGWX
[iOS] http://bit.ly/plantswar0308


'비오는 날'과 '플랜츠워'를 출시 각각 200만,600만 다운로드를 기록한 모바일 게임전문개발사

댓글 0
건전한 토론문화를 위해, 주제에 맞지 않거나 타인에게 불쾌감을 주는 욕설 또는 특정 계층/민족, 종교 등을 비하하는 경우 삭제 될 수 있습니다.
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