지난 주 방문하신 외국인 방문객으로부터 NoTag의 흥미로운 비즈니스 모델과 DDP Plz Don't Buy It을 보고 한국을 소개하는 10Magazine에 NoTag와 Plz Don't Buy It을 소개하였습니다.

Dongdaemun Design Plaza (DDP) Pop Up
“Plz Don’t Buy It”, the second of such exhibitions held by the NoTag international e-commerce group in Korea’s DDP this summer, is very unique indeed. Like a cross between IKEA and Etsy by way of a boutique owned by Banksy, amazed me with not only the aesthetic appeal of their product range, but also the clever functionality of each product line’s design as well.
Jason Jang, the global marketing manager, said the group prided itself in its selection. Each product on display was created in Korea, by Korean designers, and they all had earned some international award or distinction to merit being on display here.
After looking around, and being encouraged to try out the various award-winning products, here are my top ten products you must check out before the exhibition closes on Sunday, July 12th
But wait! It ends on Sunday, July 12th?! That’s this weekend!
Indeed it is, so you should hurry to the Dongdaemun Design Plaza and check it out! For those of you who want to go but haven’t the time, never fear! The ever-vigilant team at NoTag are holding a third exhibition with all new products and a secret garden addition catering towards couples and outdoors enthusiasts. The last exhibition will be held from July 16th to August 18th. Even during the last exhibition, products and designs will be swapped around, so visit more than once if you enjoy it!
Something like this has never been done before in Korea and they are getting overwhelmingly positive responses. The whole concept is to try before you buy and an interactive atmosphere is key. Customers even leave tags on each product they bought telling other customers why they did so!
<출처: 10Magazine, http://www.10mag.com/ddp-dongdaemun-design-plaza-shopping/>