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[NoTag] NoTag 글로벌 인턴쉽 프로그램 리뷰 #3 - Manolya OZLU (NoTag Global Internship Program Review #3 - Manolya OZLU)

지난 5월부터 7월까지 2달간 NoTag에서 글로벌 인턴쉽 프로그램을 진행하였습니다.
글로벌 인턴쉽 프로그램을 지원한 지원자들 중 총 3명의 인턴쉽을 선발하여 한국에서 NoTag와 함께 다양한 업무를 실시하였습니다. 각 인터쉽 인원들이 NoTag 글로벌 인턴쉽을 통하여 경험한 내용을 공유합니다.


My name is Manolya ÖZLÜ. I am 18 years old and as a part of my studies in International Trade I had to do an intership abroad. I had the choice to chose the country, so I decided to this internship with the Notag company, based in Seoul.


The main goal of this internship was to learn more about international trade, prospection,...



  I have met the team and I have looked around the exhibition with the manager Mister Kim who presented us most of the product.

  After the presentation, I went to a press conference. When it was over, we went back to the exhibition with the reporters.

  Then, we took a look around again, but this time it was with Mister Choi. We got more information about the goal of the exhibition, the product and also what the designers wanted to show and explain by their product.

  Since I did not about Dongdaemun Design Plaza, I had free time to visit the place and its surroundings.

  The next day, my work was to sell the products but from time to time I had other thing to do, like translating the description of the product in English, Spanish or even in French.

The same day, I have participated at the opening party of « Plz dont but it ».


Week 2 :  



  I've started the second week by translating a part of the website in English. During this week my work was the same as the last one, I had to sell the product to the visitors (B to C).


  It is also during this week that I have visited an other exhibition that took place in DDP too : « Brilliant memories » by Hyundai.


  The day later, I had the chance to go to a meeting with Paperobean. In this meeting, I have noticed some difference between France and Korea.  

After this meeting, we went to visit a store that might be interesting for the company. We looked around and take some pictures.  


Week 3 : 

  During this week I had to find company that might be interested by our product in France, especially in Paris. I had to contact them by mail.


  Another work that I had was to promote all of the SNS (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) and also to write more posts. When I was done with promoting all the pages, I had to sell the product again.


  On May 25th, there was the SOXSOO festival. During this day there were several game. I was with a team member of SOXSOO, and I had to explain the rules of the game to the foreigners. 


Week 4 & 5 : 

  During week 4 I have sent mails to customers, and also to uptade the buyer list.


  Week 5 started by moving the boxes that were in exhibition because we had new product to show. After this, same as the last week I have sent mails to customers, and also to uptade the buyer list.


  There was a conference named « Young forum » that took place in DDP. We met korean designers and some of their design product. The same day we got a party at our exhibition.


Week 6, 7, 8 :  

   I have changed some point on the powerpoint of the company. After doing it, I have sent it to customers but I had to make a special one for each by checking what kind of product they were already selling. After finishing the current list that I had, my goal was to find new customers in several countries. (Turkey, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Australia, EAU). I have managed the English website of Paperobean for few days.

  This week was really exciting since I got the chance to meet Jean Charles de Castelbajac. I took a part in one his conference that was in DDP.


  During Week 8, I went to « Esprit Dior » exhibition.


  • This intership was a real opportunity to me, cause it permitted me to practice about stuff that I have learn in school.

  • For example, at the beginning of this internship when I was selling the product (B to C), I was really shy, but through the time I get more confident. Before going towards visitors, I was just looking at them and if they looked interested I just go to talk to them and show them how to use the product, which was the best way to communicate with Korean people.

  • I have also learned about how to create and manage a website. 

  • Thanks to the mailing I got some orders froms buyers (Fenwick, Barbican,...). Everytime I got and order I have received a commision which was really motivating for me.










Life in Korea is not hard at all. Even if Korea is really different by its culture from France, the adaptation was not hard.


Before coming here I tought that since I do not speak Korean it would be difficult for me, but that was not the case, the language is not a barrier. You can express what you feel or what you want by using four languages if it is needed but at the end people generally understand.


One of the coolest thing about Seoul is that you can travel through the city just by using the subway. You can never be bored in Seoul, you can always find something to do.


I would like to thanks all the Notag team and specially Aiden Ung Choi, for giving me this opportunity and permitting me have this beautiful experience and memories. 



패션, 디자인, 공예 등의 한국 디자인 상품을 글로벌 시장에 B2C 온라인 크로스보더 플랫폼

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