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[아이피엘] Watch out for these Korean Startups at MWC 2017!


Innoplay Lab
is a Korea- based robotics startup focusing on development and manufacturing of robotic-related products. INNOPLAYLAB stands for INNOVATIVE, PLAY and LABATORY.‘ROBOTS FOR HUMANS’ is  their corporate philosophy to achieve ‘1 robot, 1 home’. What started off as a 5-people startup in March 2016 quickly expanded into 34-people team, including Software development, Hardware development, Mechanical Design, Design and QA team.The co-founders have more than 10 years of experience in the robotics arena and has track record of developing ENGKEY and Kibot1 and Kibot2.


미래의 스마트홈, 사물인터넷, 소셜 서비스의 혁신 스마트홈 로봇 플랫폼 서비스로 글로벌 시장에 새로운 경험

[아이피엘] 를(을) 서포트하고 있는 사람들

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