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[위스캔] Real-time Meeting App Wenote Launches Open Beta and Helps Save Paper


Korean startup Wescan, which previously developed a mobile scanning service of the same name, has launched the open beta version of its new real-time meeting service Wenote.

For a long time many have been predicting the paperless office, a work environment which utilizes smart devices and computers to conserve on waste. While there has definitely been a significant reduction in the use of paper, many offices are still far from being completely rid of it. Wenote hopes to speed up the process of making paper obsolete with its new multi-platform meeting service.


위스캔은 인식 기술과 소셜 웹을 활용하여 사람들의 일상을 보다 편리하고 풍요롭게 만드는 서비스를 제공하는 회사입니다.

[위스캔] 를(을) 서포트하고 있는 사람들

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