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[이뮤직마켓] 스마트 기기중 어느 기기가 사운드가 가장 훌륭할까요? eMUSICMARKET이 세계최초로 테스트했습니다!

사단법인 한국 음향예술인협회 주최, eMUSICMARKET.com 주관으로 8종의 스마트 폰 사운드 비교분석 테스트가 이루어졌습니다. 이 흥미로운 결과는 http://eMUSICMARKET.com 에서 확인하실 수 있습니다! ^^

Korean Sound Institute of Korean Association of Sound Artists had a comparative analysis test for sound quality of the current smart mobile devices on 15th and 16th Feb 2013. The test was held under the supervision of eMUSICMARKTET.com and 10 smart devices were chosen in total. The following is a list of those.


iPhone5 - Apple,

Galaxy Note - Samsung,

Experia S - Sony,

Vega - Pentech,

Nexus4 - Google/LG,

8X - HTC,


Galaxy S III, and

Imitated iPhone from China,

Astell & Kern, the MP3 player - Iriver


The test participants as below consist of current sound engineers and professors.





  1. Rim, Hyoung Jun


Head Director of Gwanghwamun AIM Recording Studio

Professor of Applied Music at Seoul Art College


  1. Lee, Jae Hoon

Professor of Applied Music at Baeksoek University

Former Director of Kocca Recording studio


  1. Lee, Min Soo

Professor of Applied Music at Baeksoek Culture University

Doctor’s degree at Graduate School of New media, Sangmyung University


  1. Yu, Ho Geun

Professor of digital broadcasting at Korea Polytechnic II

            Completed Harris Institute for the Art


  1. Chae, Scott

Chief Mastering Engineer of Sonic Korea, Mastering Studio in Seoul

Professor of Electronic Digital Music at Kyunggi University


  1. Park, Jung Hyeok

Professor of Music Department at Kangneung Wonju National University

MD at Music Technology, New York University


  1. Park, Jae Beom

CEO of Macho Recording Studio

Professor of Applied Music at Sangmyung University


  1. Ko, Yae Na

CEO of Sound People Company


  1. Yoon, Jong Wook

Professor of Music Production at  Seoul Arts College





Hwang, Byung Jun

CEO of Sound Mirror Korea

Grammy Award, Best Recording Technique


Seo, Sang Hwan

CEO of Sonic Korea Mastering Studio

Former Chief of Korean Association of Sound Artists


Lim, Chang Duk

CEO of Booming Recording Studio

Completed LA Recording Workshop


Byun, Sung Bok

CEO of First Media Inc.

Chief of Korean Institute of Music Studio


Ko, Hyung Jung

CEO of Musicable

Filled as Sound director at Seoul Studio, Dream Factory, Ye-Eum Studio


Lee, Jin Young

Chief of Korean Association of Sound Artists

Former Sound Director of Seoul Studio



The testers comparatively analyze 10 devices by check sound by 3 types of output.

Through lineouts, inner speakers and provided bundle earphones. The test result expected to be posted at eMUSICMARKET.com, kare.or.kr(including technical data, and blind testing data), and cetizen.com. We will notify you as the new data and videos are updated.

The test was well proceeded with lots of interest, and Korea Sound Institute will have the 2nd Test session later.  Thank you.


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