서울 호서 예술전문학교와 eMUSICMARKET.com이 협약을 맺었습니다! 호서 예술전문학교와는 향후에도 파트너쉽을 바탕으로한 다각적인 사업을 함께 모색할 예정입니다. ^^
Seoul Hoseo Art College joined eMUSICMARKET!
Nam-kyun Kim, president of Hoseo Art College recently announced that eMUSICMARKET will serve as a main platform for students' musical works to be real candidates in commercial music industry.

"We are very excited to be a partner with eMUSICMARKET," said Minkyu Lee, Chief Professor at SHAC. "This new partnership will support expanding our students' real opportunity and their music will benefit with wide open chance."
그와 함께 진행된 eMUSICMARKET.com의 설명회 입니다.

HyoungJun Rim, CEO of eMUSICMARKET.com had a presentation of eMUSICMARKET.com to all students of Applied Music Department of Hoseo Art College,
which is making an agreement with eMUSICMARKET.com.
호서 졸업생들의 신선하고 열정적인 곡들은 이뮤직마켓의 Academy Music에서 만나보실 수 있습니다! ^^
You can search up the music sources from Hoseo Art College through eMUSICMARKET.com.