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[이뮤직마켓] eMUSICMARKET supports Busan Intl. Rock Fest.

eMUSICMARKET / July 1, 2013

eMUSICMARKET is participating in Busan International Rock Festival.

Mr. Lee Jaehyung, Director of eMUSICMARKET, is in charge of the main programmer of the show for many years. eMUSICMARKET will be with the festival, speech as a main guest at conference, meet people at exhibitor's booth.

Counting 14th for this year, this the most oldest music festival in South Korea is so famous for rock solid line-ups and free admission. This year's rocking stages include Stratovarius, Soil and PIMP Sessions, No Brain, Galaxy Express and many more.


음원창작자와 미디어제작자를 중개하는 음악 사용권거래의 글로벌 오픈마켓 및 쇼핑몰, 구인구직, 교육콘텐츠제공

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