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[이뮤직마켓] Sunset Live Festival rocks with eMusicMarket

eMUSICMARKET / September 9, 2013

Sunset Live Festival in Busan, South Korea, has been giging for 7 years now.
Stage set by beautiful Song-jung beach was filled with sweat, pine trees and loud live music while some hundreds of people kept headbanging from 31th Aug to 1st Sep 2013.
eMusicMarket is participating in the festival.

Sunset Live Festival originaly started at Hukuoka, Japan on 1993 and her sister city Busan followed up.
The superb main festival featuring 25 rocking musicians/bands, separate DJ stage and Young Music Battle competetion.
eMusicMarket also included in
veniremen for Young Music Battle and winners get 1 year Seller Membership as part of prizes.

Visir Sunset Live Festival



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